[top secret classified update]

There will be a hidden map under the ocean abyss,

you have to dive down and circle around the ground and say “open route” it will summon a magic circle and wait 5 mins. After you waited 5 mins there be a gate with dark blue gate particles and it will storm lightning down the spot and heavy rains. inside the map is a time map, it will have clocks and an OP boss that levels beyond 5000 levels, it will drop a god-level weapon, items, accessories, and a time pet that is of course god tiers.

Mobs are giants as a real-life whale, are tanky but slow and they hurt a lot you’ll probably get one hit

Boss is a time power that can revive, heal, and confused you because your low IQ can’t beat it
the AI of this new gens is beyond your IQ of course, it thinks like Albert Einstein this boss will f- you up so yea…

NOTICE: it is only on the alpha test, beta test, and 2 weeks of release it will be gone but it will be an event for future

Deepwoken inspiration of layer 2 :skull:

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The arcane depths are calling you

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sounds like the depths with extra steps