| Topic Of The Day |

Basically this is the topic where I ask “Question Of The Day” questions and see what I get.
Keep this topic on the right track and Accurate Questions Only!

Question Of The Day Is…

What Would Be Your Most Honorable Death?
(as in what would be the coolest or most cinematic way you could be killed)

Dieing while fighting an entire army at once type death

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Insult Zeus and them promptly getting struck by lightning

eating a hamburger

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Dying while helping a friend or smth like that

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olive oil


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Death isn’t meant to be cinematic, it’s just an end, that’s that.

well it doesn’t Have to be cinematic just something… honorable.

I would not have a cinematic death at all, I will just fall down the stairs. :sleeper:

This might just be

No one can survive Down D. Stairs


dying to a member of the house of caesar
god what id give :drooling_face:

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youre getting killed by revon

text wall warning

You’d lost it all. Once hailed as “The King of the Skies”, a pilot with skill unrivalled, now without a squadron or a country. It was all because of one mercenary - “Monarch”. He’d single-handedly shot down over half your Federation’s air force, he killed your entire squadron! With the Federation on the backfoot, withdrawing from where they once fought so viscously to hold, you knew what you had to do. End the mercenary, give the Federation a final chance to win this war.

You stole an experimental craft - your position was enough that others expected just another test flight. Loaded with extremely heavy armament (by the standards of a plane), you set out to the capital. During your flight, the war had finally come to a close. A ceasefire was declared right as the final Federation troops were surrounded, ruining any chance they had at succeeding. Yet you couldn’t know this, or maybe you were just too blinded by hatred of that damned crown.
Immediately upon your arrival, you release the main tool you had to either kill, or at the very least isolate, this “crowned mercenary”. Several extremely low yield nuclear bombs, dropped across the city.
Federation comms are immediately covered with interference, as well as any other communications in or out. Even through your plane’s belly, you’d been blasted with more radiation than you should’ve gotten in a year. If you even make it out of this, it won’t be pretty. On your radar, the skies are cle- no. One plane survived. That mercenary dog survived, to your immense displeasure. He, solely, was responsible for this. All this death, destruction, caused because this mercenary wanted gold. He needed to die here, for the good of mankind. If he survived, he’d just keep spreading chaos and suffering.
You turn to engage - even the vastly superior plane, he wasn’t a pushover. He maneuvered so well - too well for a mercenary. You couldn’t even get a solid lock with your missiles. The duel raged on for minutes, until tracers went right by your wing. You’d been hit, but you were still in the fight. You couldn’t die here, if you did, then what was the point? All of those surviving Federation troops, all the civilians in the city, taking their lives would have been for naught.

Reinvigorated, you fight further. Your breathing becomes heavier and heavier as you push your body, the G-forces that the plane can take being just too much for you to handle. Another hit from the crown, shrapnel from a sparked fuel tank shoots into the cockpit, tearing through your leg. A large spike of crimson metal, now skewering you to the rest of the plane. The realization hits you - there’s no escape. You don’t have the fuel to get back, you can’t eject, and that mercenary was just on your tail. If you’re going down, you’re taking him with you.

You almost got him, you were on his tail with a good lock. It should’ve been over for that dog, yet it wasn’t. At the last moment, he broke from your lock, leaving the missiles unguided and flying off to the sunset instead. In the same maneuver, he got a good angle. 20mm rounds tear through the airframe, severing the left wing. Within moments, you’ve lost control. There wasn’t enough lift or control of the airframe to recover. As the ground crept closer, the only thing you could hear was the infuriating “Pull up! Pull up!” of the onboard GPWS.

Upon impact with the ground, the plane violently combusts into a fireball. Experimental power systems mixed with reactive elements in the ground don’t mix. Your death is instant, yet it was guaranteed from the moment you tried to duel the crowned mercenary one last time.

Boy, I sure haven’t heard this before! Not with one specifically crimson individual above a certain cascadian city! Certainly never!

so… Instant Death to Plane crash?

yes. but cool.

anything for my glorious land of bronze!!

Nice try I know this is you general Julian