Torch's M1 Attack

Torch's M1 Attack
effort 4.647058823529412 17 quality 4.777777777777778 18 reasonability 4.894736842105263 19
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arson is based :flushed:

w a c k

also this

i will be able to commit genocide even better with this


When building comes out, Iā€™m gonna make a big cross. Gonna drag some random new guy there and torch the entire thing

Ayo ayo grab your beta test torches here. Limited edition only a few in the world :eyes:

While simple suggestion, I would like fighting with a torch and making it more useful especially during night

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Would be a cool addition, though not necessary.

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You ruined the full 5 stars :frowning:

why did you ruin it
you have given us all ocd you monster

No Meta! Why! why must you do such a cruel thing? We the community were unanimously fully supporting something for once!
May the perfect 5 star rating rest in piece : (

we do a little trolling

Sounds fun


i got this saved so we know theres one suggestion with at least 30+ votes with max stars :nod:


you saint :nod:

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