Tornados are here except they just kill you as soon as you go in it

dont touch them

The death message for this is interesting. “Lost to time?” Does that just mean you were never seen again on account of your body being twirled around? Or could it mean something else?

like it doesn’t actually necessitate death

Friend said there was some lore behind or something. Dunno what it is tho

witnessed this happen to two people not too long ago, never saw them again

(I actually met up with one of them at Palo Town to find the secret. Other one wasn’t there)

there is it has dead ravenna ensigns

I guess vetex will add here fight with wind curse user in future

I’m pretty sure wind curse is not a curse

ancient magic probably

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No, Wind Curse absolutely exists. Idk why there would be a wind curse boss here though.

there’s a curse for every magic

If there is magic there is curse of it

I thought he will yet me so i died from it :sob:

It’s funny seeing player notes all over the island telling you not to touch the tornado

This could allude to time travel or the fact that the tornado is in a sandy area that it buries you in the sand and no one will find you for the rest of time

tornados don’t kill you

this one is special and static