Torren Corvus Cross Arcane Academy AU ( Part 9 )

There are no Cannon Designs for Torren which im really sad about ;-;


Torren is CANON in my heart, dont let anyone tell you otherwise, our glorious all mighty supreme god of pure edginess and emo’s IS canon and will come back in Arcane Odyssey :speaking_head::fire:

Anyways fire art tho, i didn’t expect this kind of design for Torren thought but eh, there’s barely any description of him

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The fire bois.

Plin plin plon… Plin plin plon
Plin plon

YES IT’S HIM! EMO BOYYYYY :DDDD Also glad to see I’m not the only one who draws him with long hair lol

The kings of the AO world are sweating right now…

Torren receives a high-five from a sailor fist user, he violently explodes taking out 2/3rds of the school and injuries 182 students and 6 faculty members

And he has to walk around in one of those little human hamster bubble things to avoid that

He’s literally me

Torren is the type of guy to say “don’t come to town tomorrow”.

torren the typa guy to say “gimme your lunch money punk”

Bro will say that to the local bank :skull:

He’s like me

giving off ‘im literally ryan gosling’ vibes