Touhou is undisclosed by printerblue

my fate is sealed.

come at me, or don’t cause i’ll get suspended again

The heck is a touhou

something that isn’t cool

aint no way you made this :sob:
im starting to think this isnt bait

square up pal.

explain one reason touhou is good rn

first of all i never said touhou was “the best” or anything so youre just misinterpreting my words

also bullet hells are fun. i rest my case.

ok but according to my undisclosed source touhou has outdated art and horrible game mechanics

deathbombing is peak tech and essentially just a parry, theres really no other mechanic
the other “mechanic” (grazing) literally has no effect on gameplay unless you care about the pointless score
as for the art uh
yeah ZUNart is kind of goofy, i think it has a bit of charm but it’s not mindblowingly good

ok you win

I don’t have any other disclosed reasons from sources(chatgpt)

touhou is now undisclosed