**(trade closed)**

Got my skills at perfect so no need :smiley:

I have a bunch of exotic gems, how many gems a scroll?

well it depends on the scroll

How much for a Virtous and how much for an Enhanced

whats the max amount of exotic gem you can give for both of them?

Probably like 15 for each

what about 20? can you do that?

if you cant do the 20 exotic gems for each then ill do 15 gems each for the virtuous and enhanced

Sorry, I can’t do 20, I am too poor. 15 is the highest I can pay.

What is your timezone? I get home at around 4:30 PM CDT

UCT +08 is my timezone, i dont think im available at that time cuz thats 5:30 in mine

How many for the fortune scroll

whats the max amount of gems you can offer for that scroll?

It’s not a crazy valuable scroll so I think 15 is fair, I can throw in seaweed/reagents if thats not enough

well alright how many seaweeds can you add?

50 gems and 25 seaweed for 1 warship, 1 agile, 1 hasty?

Im guessing you’re doing this for gemcrafting exp, so I’ll give 75, then you can craft all 15 of them up

Alright that’s enough, I’ll do it

Im in game if you want to join me

Okay, what’s your user?