Trade complete thank you

I finally got crown after 100 attempts thank you to all who swapped

W strat so u don’t hafta farm natasha :nod: :nerd_face:

i don’t think you can trade presents

I’m having the opposite problem. I’m getting lots of frozens, but no flaming. I have about 13 frozen presents rn, I am happy to trade them for the flaming ones.

You can, even during the event, I was swapping presents with someone else when we had gotten different boss seasonals.

Sorry for the really late response, do you still want to swap presents? If you got anymore frozens since then I have around 40 flamings atm

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U killed natasha 40 TIMES?!!!

Yes and all 40 times dropped 1 flaming each :sob:

Is it like bugged or smth where u only get one type of present? Cuz u got all flamings and the other dude got all frozens :sob:

Rng hates me because I gave away my first frozen giftbox to a friend and decided i only need flames from then on

Yeah, I can still trade. I haven’t got anymore since though, so only 13 to trade. I’ll send you a DM.

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