Trade no longer up

i now know that this is a trahs trade and so i am removing it now mabye this will come back if i get desprat

I’ll trade dm me ColdWiener#4618 also are u trading the headless head or are u trading for it?

Trading the headless head

Still have it?

dm me @ ColdWiener#4618

I have a full power wizard set

I’ll offer 3.9k crowns and multiple unrotted high value fish.

Sorry actually an extra 1.9k crowns in guild bank

If u can’t dm me please provide me with your discord so I can contact you. I have more than enough items from the power set and would like to trade @ ColdWiener#4618

umm i sent u a frend reqest

you should wait to trade the headless head, and wait for like a while so it gains more and more value

Why are you selling a headless head for these?!

Cease. You’re scamming yourself.

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