Trading 2 clean sunken chestplates, and 1 clean sunken boots

Am not necessarily gonna trade these, am more looking to see what they are worth. However, if a deal interests me, I’ll take it.

I won’t be able to respond too fast.


For all three of them? Prolly a sunken sword, but you could also get a lifetime supply of boss drops for them too. They’re worth a good bit.

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I will offer one fish bait! :nod:

For real though, I haven’t got anything valuable. So I won’t be able to buy these beautiful pieces of wet armour off you. Sorry.

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Hard sunken sword for 1 chestplate and 1 boots

Lowball but dnc

he gets smoll profit.

yo that trade is pretty gaming, I’ve been trying to find a sunken sword for a while for the movement. whenever you want just message me and we can do the trade if you are still interested.

Oh yeah, as a alternate offer.
If you gimme a powerful sunken legs, I’ll give the sword + like 6 boss drops or smth

hmm I suggest you don’t add any drops. Since powerful sunken boots is pretty worth it.

Powerful sunken boots > hard sunken sword
Unless 0pe wants to overpay

yea ofc. thats just value advice from my part. but they should add something if they want fair deals

Even if I wanted to do the deal which I really don’t, I am unable to enchant the item specifically to powerful since it’s a 1/8 chance

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