Trading 2 of each american seasonal for offers

That’s where most people can’t progress any further, I doubt you would get any good sunkens without having any to begin with.

Which reminds me, @Chill_Checker you could if you wanted trade your headless for sunkens, since that’s what it’s worth

i know but its unobtainable the price will go up and up everyday

Wrong. Values don’t change until an update drops

Close enough though :woman_shrugging:

Its how most of us traders started. Working our way up from boss drops to sunkens and headlesses

indeed. I started my trading career by grinding for a ridiculous amount of boss drops lol

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This is also where most people fail, not everyone has a huge amount of boss drops and not many are willing to grind, they just expect to get sunkens with no grind.

you dont need a huge amount unless you only want to trade fairly

their problem then :man_shrugging:


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