8x death crown, 3x head body leg wraps, 8x mini cauldron, 1x shoulder crow, 1x cursed skull necklace, 2x candy corn beanie, 2x halloween bag, 2x pumpkin fedora, 1x bat wing headband, 1x american cap LF mainly sunken iron for some
Are you looking for any specific sunken iron pieces?
chestplate or boots
Ive got both, how many seasonals are you willing to offer for either (or both if you want)?
If your offer more than 2 (even 2 is a stretch) for the boots and legs your getting robbed blind
Depends on which 2, si pieces go for about 100k+ each atm which is about equal to low tier hws and more than american seasonals
Perhaps just don’t scam him too badly lol
i think i got some
why this nuclearman so greedy
yeah ik thanks for the tip tho
1 death crown for both
Pretty sure a single death crown isn’t worth that much
Why are you calling me greedy
Not worth it but i can do both for 1 skull chain instead, or 2 pumpkin fedoras
Nuclear calm down bruh
My disc user is laevaetin
I lowkey thought it was havent played for a hot min