Mainly looking for headless and good offers.
I have 4 sunken iron helmets, 6 chestplates, 5 leggings.
3 sunken warrior helmets, 1 chestplate and 4 leggings.
I also have 3 sunken swords and 2 sunken staffs.
I have multiple of most halloween seasonals.
DM me on Discord: Q00B
how much for sunken staff?
Just a quick question is headless the only thing u want as a trade offer? Or can it be other stuff like a whole calvus set
he said MAINLY lf headless
If you mean galleons then I don’t really want galleons, mainly looking for a headless or more seasonals
Mainly headless yeah, don’t really need calvus set
Damn bro how u get them?!
would you be willing to fair trade galleon value seasonals for sunken warrior chestplates? you only had 1 and i could try sell you two so you had 3 sunken warrior sets in total maybe 1 staff too
what do you mean exactly
sw chest 185k galleons would you be willing to give 185k worth of seasonals according to “the galleon” website
i lost the link, can u post the web here?
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