Trading 2x iron sunken armor and 2x pulsar scrolls (done)


3x pulsar scrolls for a sunken? Im not sure whats good for one

bro i have like one pulsar, axe slash and power amulet (fair) i can add some money tho if you want dm me if you interest 熹萬歲#4495

Lance of loyalty , Axe slash , Scimitars of Storm
dm if interest Trashboyclique#3042

I can offer 1 of each argos drop and fair def amulet for a sunken

6 commodore kai sabres, pulsar and axe slash, ravenna apostle bracelets and 3.5k cash for one sunken iron armor?

damn sunken is so popular

these offers I’m seeing are an insult :skull:


ill offer an argos set (helm, cape, chest, legs) and calvus set (crown, cape, chest, legs) for a sunken chest. also have strong fair power amulet and hard fair defense amulet if want to substitute anything. let me know if you wanna trade cryo#7299

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