Trading 8 sunken swords + 5k for headless

Screenshot 2023-04-20 181114
Screenshot 2023-04-20 181105

Idk if thats enough but good luck brother


Lol i just realized if you dont have stacked sunken swords you literally cannot trade for headless head because there is only 8 slots lol

its fine though cus its usually like 6-7 ss and 40+ seasonals

im pretty sure im over paying or its fair, i dont think anyone could offer more items lol

I dont think thats correct, somebody on the forums recently traded 6 sunken swords and somewhere between 30-50 seasonals for one

@Nuclearman7 opinion?

how much seasonals is 1 sword worth?

The general agreed value is 6-7, but at the moment there arent many people who would actually do that trade, which makes me think 3-4, but i would wait for a more experienced traders opinion.

It used to be 6-7, but I kind of think it’s more in the 3-5 range currently excluding Halloweds.

cant believe im gonna have to grind for another million years

I think it’s the norm now for trades involving Headlesses to go over 8 items and have to be split up into multiple trades, but at the same time that’s risky territory to go in so you’re kind of behind the 8 ball regardless.

but do you really agree i have to add 30-50 seasonals??

30 seasonals, maybe but I’m not sure about 50. Overall, I’m not entirety sure since there’s not a whole lot of trades for legitimate Headlesses I can refer to where the seller doesn’t have an incentive to dump the poisoned Headless quickly to avoid either getting banned or losing it.

can I just say that trades like this are absolutely insane

these items need reprints so that dumb stuff like 8 sunkens and 30 seasonals isn’t a “fair deal”

ye this trade isnt worth it atm (for the person with the headless) but i expect the sunken sword buff to make sunken swords way more valuable than they were before the upcoming update so maybe then.

usually headlesses are being traded for like 7 swords + roughly 30 seasonals. Your offer for comparison is the same as 7 swords + roughly 4 seasonals (market value with which i dont agree but thats just how it is)

most want 50-60 seasonals base and swords are very hard to trade off rn so your swords are basically just 35 seasonals

either hope swords go back up or try to offload as fast as possible

well if the update will make them better i should wait right?

the buff looks mediocore at best, I dont think it’ll increase prices enough to make a difference
i did a “ted talk” on why seasonals are increasing compared to sunkens and in general everything else

I disagreed a bit at first, and i still do think that sunken will go up in the next few weeks, but ive been shocked at the amount of macro ive seen being used since then that ive decided to trade off a strong portion of my sunken.