It’s sold already
Next time soon
Is it just crowns?
strong exiled helmet, clean exiled helmet, clean sunken helm, keen exiled leggings, swift vastria, swift or nimble exiled armor, and minotaur’s armor for strong oath
For the strong oath I got 2 Mino Chestpieces, Nimble Sunken Boots, Exiled’s helmet, 2.6k bait, and 1.4k crowns
Strong sunken helmet, exiled chest , exiled leggings, wall of Jericho clean ,total 8 seasonal items, max crowns ,another clean sunken helm
For the axe I will give sunken helmet, exiled chest and full mino set clean
DM Me Ashridge#5810
All clean exiled chest exiled leggings?
Ye all clean
I can trade a hard exiled chestplate and a clean oathkeeper for strong oathkeeper
ill offer a Clean Vastira and Oathkeeper + Strong Wizard set (all max level) + 1000 crowns for the Strong Oathkeeper
Ill offer sturdy wall hard oath exile set and others
a high five
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