Trading Boss Drops For Halloween Items!

My username is coolboy13347 add me and respond to this if you are interested!

Welcome to the forum!

In case you’re wondering, that marketplace restriction is there for a reason. New users often aren’t wise during trading, hence why it’s there. :nod:

I recommend looking around in player’s shops and seeing what trades they propose before doing something like this. :thinking:

Click the link to see the full post btw.


dont be this guy

? what are you trying to say im new to forums

You made several posts of the same thing in quick succession.

i made 2

It’s unnecessary. They’re both the same thing

@Cryonical It takes you less than a second to ignore it.


Ay, welcome to the forums. i suggest to you reading some trading posts to learn the value of some items, this will help a lot if you wanna get into the trading community
(its kinda dead but yea)

Aren’t you that guy that keeps sending me bad trades for sunken?

Welcome to the forum! Hopefully you’ll enjoy your stay.

First, I would like to tell you that this post you did is wrong. You can’t post on trading discussion with trades. Not only that, you’ve done it twice, apparently. Avoid this. There’s a Marketplace restriction for a reason, you aren’t supposed to bypass it.

Second, starting out in Marketplace is not a good idea, it often leads up to bad trades. Would suggest you learn about community value before starting to trade.

Third, specify more about the trade if you’d like to get a bit more attention. Mentioning exactly the items you want or you will give always helps.

this is in the completely wrong spot, can someone move it so it closes?

As @MrNormalBox said, the post has been moved to #marketplace trading.

dm me on discord cj💤#3093 I have a lot

I have more than him :mariomug: : meghantheescallion#8715

I have some halloween items I can trade for boss drops

Welcome to the forums.

Halloween items (except Headlesses) are not worth boss drops. People will overpay for Halloween items with boss drops. But you cant give them for any.

if those blank items were headlesses take it