Trading awesome headless

practically the same value. it’s the versatility in trading that you look for in the difference between those

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My friend counts hard sunken armors in sunken value and he says the value of SSS is 7 sunkens while Hard sunken chest and hard sunken legs is 9 sunkens.

blueberry moment tbh

equal little more little less.

personally I disagree with this, I think it really depends on what the sunken is. If it’s all helmets then yeah. But it’d be the same for sss too.

you should care about trading versatlity more than value when you compare those 2 tbh

But didn’t you guys make that system?

Idk I just heard that Hard Sunken Chest and legs is worth more than SSS, that’s what I’ve heard from most of the people

I know I didn’t lol, I was helping on it a little but it never got finished to my knowledge

Well I’ll leave my offer here, Hard Sunken Chest, Hard Sunken Legs, with a few more pieces on the side if not, then Hard Sunken Chest, Swift Sunken Sword, and maybe some adds.

What the fuck, who’s the person who told you that’s worth an SSS
I got someone to hunt and kill.


you’ve got someone on ur tail lol

Didn’t yall say that uhhh it is worth that on the whole sunken whatever system?


I’m confused

I see, but like I asked and someone said that a Hard Sunken Chest, Hard Sunken Leg should get you a headless

we said it was equal little more or little less to a strong sunken sword. Which traditionally should get you a headless

I see then that means Blueberry wasn’t wrong in the end

We shouldn’t be blaming him I think.

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