Trading awesome headless

Just got a headless here :poggers2: gg
Minimum: 1 sss + 1 any kind of ss. Must reach this requirement or I won’t reply
LF ss, powerful and hard sunkens
Best trade offer for now: 1 sss + 1 swift ss

With the , you mean or right
Not actually both

Yeah he means both I think.

yes both

pretty high minimum requirement but goodluck with finding a trade anyways

doubt you’ll find a trade easily gl

a strong ss and another ss? wtf? asking for a offer this high? never seen before but gl ig

Two sunken swords is reallly high, but some people value headless enough. It’s like 1% tho

I’ll give you clean sunken sword and a hard sunken chestplate for it with nimble sunken chestplate

Dang thing I miss the trade when someone offer 1 sss and 2 hard ss (from what I remember) for headless fr
So it’s pretty logical to overprice headless

adapt there are new values yes

Thats recent actually… I’ve been getting offers similar in value to that. I just like my headlesses

oh fr

Well I’ll give you hard sunken chest, hard sunken legs, powerful helmet and a clean sunken helmet for the headless.

That’s pretty much 2 ss, considering hard sunken chest and hard sunken legs is apparently worth an SSS. Let me know your answer to this so I might change my mind.

I need comments for this one. Is hard chest and hard legs worth a sss

Also sorry mate I accept ss only, just to secure myself.
Last thing @ClawMew have you ever offer them for sss actually

I will not offer them for SSS, my friend have said that uhhh Hard Sunken Chest and Hard Sunken legs is worth more than SSS, not that much but worth more than SSS.

I will give you a swift sunken sword with Sunken Hard Chestplate and maybe an add, but that’s if you’re willing to accept a swift ss like you said.

if I dump like an sss + a pile of garbage sunkens would he actually take it if its total value surpasses the best offer rn


From what I’ve heard Hard sunken chest and hard sunken legs surpasses SSS