Trading Boss Drops for PVP Sets

Preferably I would like sets of the following:

Powerful Power Amulet
Powerful Defense Amulet
Hard Wizard Hat
Hard Wizard Robes (Top)
Hard Wizard Pants

You can mix up the enchantments, I just need two powerfuls and 3 hards (Or 3 powerfuls and 2 hards)

I have this to offer:


2 unenchanted armor pieces for a set, 1 enchanted armor piece for a set, or one weapon for 2 sets (strong is 3 sets)

WOJ is also 3 sets

I dont know if the seasonals are for trade.

idk you might want to add some stuff since most people dont want to trade pvp sets away.

I will add a recipe for chip dip

what kind of chip dip sir


ayo whats yo discord tag i got too many anyway

nvm changed my mind

might be worth it just for the chip dip :stare:

i got a hard defense amulet from a chest again, i guess i can give that for a mino helm

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