Giving hard sunken chest, and bursting sunken chest dm Percy#1966
imagine no ss for headless
haha I stole your headless trade
then I got a hacked scare lmao
self explanatory
I do learn that trying to trade in here makes every trade fair cus people will judge it. So you can never minimize your cost while maximizing profit
do that to randoms in normal servers; you get canceled if u do it on here lmao
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add a sunken sword out of bursting chest cuz no one likes bursting chest
no lmao
My trade is perfectly fine
ok, its up to you, not my trade :shrug:
hard chest is good but bursting chest is
Bursting isnt bad lmfao its the third best enchant
i know lmao, but again, no one really likes bursting since its pretty much useless since if you want magic size, just use warrior but people like sunken swords cuz they are cool. but again, not my trade so good luck.
Thanks, and stop bothering meπ
thats still a shitty trade
ok lol
shitass trade ggez