Look if you could get me a full set of bad enchant sunken nimble or strong that’d be swell, or atleast, a full set with one bad enchant.(all same enchant tho)
i have nimble
a whole set??
sorta i might be able to get one
do you have connections to get set?
i curently have 2 nimbles and 2 swifts so
but i have a clean helm that i can enchant
whats your nimble ones tho?
chestplate and boots
alr enchant to see if you get nimble my guy
k ill do it later cause i dont have computer currently
alright discord?
Maple #5714
I’d have easily done this for a swift sword
send me friend request in discord maple please
i can do a keen chest, forceful helm, and strong boots. if that alright
no mine