Trading headless head + halloween exclusives for 2 sunken swords

So if someone makes a shitty offer I should just ignore it and not give them any sort of advice?

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well if he doesnt want anyone posting their opinion he shouldn’t post trades that are just begging drama to come say shitass trade


you saw nothing :trol:

I’ll give you a full clean sunken set for ur headless

alt behavior

I’m here.

Shitass trade.


:pray: :pray: :pray:

How’s it shitass tho they made it 2 sunken swords

This is a joke yesyes?

Do I have amnesia or something? Since when was a headless for 2 clean SS’s a trashy trade

Imma let drama handle this one :sweat_smile:

I’m very baffled here, 2 clean ss’s is somewhat close to a strong SS no? Am I really braindead or somethin?

allow me to elaborate.

your 50~ “exclusives” aren’t worth dogshit. Right now the only thing that matters on your side of the deal is the headless, and you’re asking for like… 2 sunken swords and sunken armor?

Sunken swords are probably the most valuable item in the game at this moment, if not for the headless. Strong Sunken Swords are usually traded for Headless 1 for 1, and people who have sunken swords are like a 3-5% of the entire playerbase. You’re asking for multiple sunken swords, which an even smaller percentage of people have, let alone afford them.

The playerbase on this marketplace split into 2 categories. Dumbasses, or traders. The target audience you’re aimingg at are the traders, since they can actually afford your ridiculous deal.

The problem is, all traders know quite a bit about value, and they can clearly see (including me) that your trade is utterly BOLLOCKS!

either you cut your losses and take down your trade before more people come to shit on you, or make your demand lower so SOMEONE is willing to accept your shitass deal.

tldr: your deal is shitass and we’d rather stick to the standard 1 for 1 strong sunken sword - headless


Ahhhhhhhhh that’s what you mean. I guess I just got used to it since I myself got a trade of 2 sunken swords and a sunken helmet (allbeit 1 wasn’t clean but still)

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2 clean sunken swords is arguably > 1 strong sunken sword.

considering the enchanting process, 1/2 of the possibilities you could make big profit, the other, you lose. lol.

and having 2 swords instead of 1 is much more versatile in trades. reminder of still how hard it is to find a buyer of sss.

Actually didn’t think of this, but the logic makes sense with how rare a sunken sword is. But considering how some people are trying to get even more overpay than a strong SS for their headless (and succeeding) the value of the headless might become around this, maybe somewhat soon?

Two is still a stretch

u capping?

Nah, no sword tho