Trading legendary rusty can

Screenshot 2023-05-09 003418


What you offering?

one rotten clownfish. take it or leave it.


Want 10 headless for it

looking for valuable items, not trash :roll_eyes:

I got 2 exotic rusty cans

ill have to think about this offer

I can offer legendary old boot.

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Holy crap it worthy than sunken sword :flushed:

Trading 100000000 sunken sets for that

2 Perfect Wheat and an unstackable Golden pearl

10 collosal clams

amazing deal, we can’t compete with this

cap hes lying noone has a fish that valuable. meanwhile i have 5 more valuable fish

Did u get hacked or did u change ur user on purpose?

2 galleons and a prefect mistake

I did it on purpose

1 tester owned rusty can

sunken helmet

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I have a seasonal old boot and a few exotic rotten fish, sorta overpaying ngl