Trading Lv90 WoJ, Lv 90 Swift Oath, Lv 90 Hard Vastiria + Adds for Strong Sunken Sword or Clean

Main Items can be:
-Swift Oath x2
-Hard Vastiria
-Strong Vastiria x2
-Clean WoJ

Adds can be:
-American Seasonals
-Any Enchanted Gear, like Powerful Defense amulet, or Powerful Wizard
-Up to 1k crowns
-Mino or Exiled Pieces

Uhh, unfortunately that offer wont get you any sunken sword on the forums, you’d have better luck if you added some sunken items, also @Nuclearman7 is looking for swift oaths so u could do a deal with him.

already got the swift oath :mariomug:
so close to hibernation :frpensive:

gib sunken

Do you accept Powerful Sunken Helm?

I was talking to Nuclear.
I joke around a lot, I like to say “gib sunken” for no reason.
I don’t have a Strong SS. Neither, any SS to be exact.

You won’t get a SS with those boss drops. Your best bet is to trade a good Sunken.

i’d suggest asking for bad enchanted sunken helm(s)/boots or chestplate. if you’re lucky u might get a trade for clean sunken helm/boots,

but im not the best when it comes to item values, so dont quote me on that

(also dont bother adding crowns to any trade, they basically have no value, even if its just adds/extras…)

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how about no

if you wanna give it to me sure, i would really like the help! :grinning:

pretty accurate

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