Trading minotaur armour and strong castalian sword

Trading minotaur armor and strong castalian sword for any level oathkeeper

Moved to #marketplace, what you’re offering isn’t woth an oathkeeper, uncommon and common items have little to no value, the minotaur armour has value but not enough for an oath.


Oh shut up bitchboy and have some self respect you can get out of here with your foolishness and your stupid view of values you legit wanted a strong sunken sword for crowns and a strong vastira, I’m just helping the dude out don’t fucking piss me off :fr:


yeah bitchboy

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the boss drop for oathkeeper is so rare and i constantly fight the exiled and minotaur but rarely get i drop so my only hope for now is a minotaur armor set

im so confused what is a mina

what?? :sob:


Can you just stop being dumb and spreading misinformation?
Boss drops WILL NOT become exclusives just damn compensated. Like dude if you barely know jack shit about trading just don’t say anything :frsleepin:


this has me in tears

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stfu dude we all know that rotten koi fish is the rarest item in the game

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how old are you

Your roasts are as pathetic as your iq


You spread misinformation, agitate people for no reason, and don’t offer any information in argument besides scraping up any crumb of related information and puking it out. And you do this in every single topic. Stop.


Whoops, gonna fix that typo. How embarrasing.

Let’s not forget he loves to insult others especially me for some reason, I literally say nothing to the dude or anything remotely related to him then he wants to say shit like I’m retarded, stupid, a joke, and so on. I usually don’t get pissed much online but people like this I just despise :sleeper:

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are you twelve?

He’s like a troll but actually genuine.

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Now that I think about it, probably.

If he’s not twelve, then it’s even sadder.