Trading my entire inv for headless

I’m being serious, everything in this image AND MORE is my offer for headless…

I have not disclosed the actual items in the builds but their worth should be a good estimate to what you will receive, I have done this because it uses magic items, I will personalize the builds to match your class and therefore id have to trade some of those magic items to most optimally match your class.
The Atlantean builds also are provided with non Atlantean quick swaps, If you are interested, please DM RoserAgora on discord

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tiny mistake with the build total galleon count being duplicated, its 1.45m

also this is a V1 so some layouting and item choices to be shown might be dumb

I don’t got headless but do you have some power/defence items you are willing to trade?

Start a store bro you have so much

i mean im only lf one thing so not rlly much of a point

Why are those items in the gear builder…

Hate to break it to you, but you won’t be getting a headless for five times that.

your inventory kind of sucks if you really wanna trade it all for headless lol

Uhhhhh goodluck with that considering it’s nowhere near what traders consider equal or more valuable than a headless

im not a trade but i will be honest, this probably isnt even worth 0.2 of a headless
people need like 60 halloween seasonals (this is what i remember from about a year ago) and you seem to amount to only like, 20? maybe? idk, but i doubt anyone would take the offer
@Nuclearman7 what do you think

Headlesses go for a minimum of 90 seasonals when traded fairly atp :sob:. So yeah this is a hefty underpay. Im only seeing about 19 seasonals (since halloweds are pretty close to 2 seasonals) which is 0.2 headless at best. Including the sunkens and powerful scrolls i estimate it to be like 30 seasonals at best, and thats assuming that the sets are made of sunkens. So at best, taking a generous guess at his offer and the minimum fair price of a headless, this offer is worth a third of a headless

so i need MORE THAN 60 sunken warriors and 90 hw seasonals?

How desperate are you?

sounds about fair
find someone that would take that trade tho

daylight robbery

Well… that should more than do it in terms of value, but I find like no one willing to trade their headlesses off.

No that would be overkill. More like 90 hw seasonals + a few sw sets. If youre lucky then few could mean 0, otherwise like 1-5 sets. Sets in this case are excluding the weapons btw

I’d say 100-110 Seasonals in value is fair price, 120 is pushing it, and we wont even talk about what I payed for yours.

im using 90 as the minimum fair price since thats (as far as i know) the last trade for a (non duped) headless that wasnt a blatant scam. But like i said, its just a minimum so the actual price is likely higher. I agree with 100 ish seasonals but 110 is imo already a small overpay. Tho i could easily be proven wrong with the next headless trade :sob:

this i agree with tho, especially that amazing trade of urs :pray: