Trading my sunken pieces and boss drops (no crowns ples)

Forceful Sunken chestplate
Bursting Sunken leggings (lv 90)
Swift Sunken helmet


Heavey WoJ
Swift Oathkeeper
Strong Vastira
Swift Vastira

I’ll take bursting sunken leggings, swift oath and strong vast.

What you want for those?


What do you want for the strong vast?

What’s your offer?

What r you looking for?

I could do a hard oathkeeper lvl 80 for the WOJ, Oathkeeper, and strong vastria.

I’m looking for Hard Sunken leggings or chestplate specifically.

im so sorry i meant sunken sword lmfao

hard sunken sword lvl 80 for the woj, oathkeeper, and strong vast, maybe the leggings too/

bruh moment

so deal or no deal?

Your sunken sword for 3 of my weapons?

thats what people usually pay from experience. the weapons + the leggings.

ill give forceful sunken helm for bursting legs
cries in the poor

If that’s the case then i would prefer a hard sunken legging or chestplate

alright then

I don’t have sunken stuff, but I do have like two defense amulets at level 80 or 90 not sure (these are kinda useless but just wanted to add them if you wanted defense), a clean exiled chest plate, and a clean minotaur chest plate. I completely understand if you don’t like this trade lol

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