Trading (Mysterious Red Orb) price is negotiable, got this off fishing not sure what it is

Wait a minute it might actually be a golden pearl

It has the exotic colored aura around it and the item itself looks golden-ish

doubt it tbh

if anything id assume its some kind of gem, question is whys it equippable?

I think that the pearls and things go in the hotbar.

What else do you think it could be?

Seems that itā€™s a golden pearl though, I checked the trello and Golden Pearls are exotic. Plus that red aura is the exact size of the rarity aura, and exotic is red.

wouldnt pearls and etc like that go into inventory? what i assumed is that you had the option to move certain objects like such into the inventory now still doesnt answer the question fo what it is though.

Iā€™m not really sure but I can also clearly see a clam in the hotbar, which is an item you get from foraging similar to the pearl. So the red orb is most likely the golden pearl

perhaps we shant know for a while


Golden pearl meta confirmed?!?!

Was gonna say a Pearl or clam

1 crown

This post is so sus

ā€œBro whatā€™s your favorite weapon in Arcane Odyssey?ā€

ā€œGolden Pearl.ā€

ā€œUnderstandable dude that oneā€™s pretty good to use.ā€

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