Trading (Mysterious Red Orb) price is negotiable, got this off fishing not sure what it is

Willing to trade this for any reasonable offer, can anyone clarify what the hell this is though?

I wonder what that could be :slight_smile:

Yeah what is it?


call it jerome and give it a home to live in


Screenshot 2021-09-22 5.30.42 PM
Screenshot 2021-09-22 5.31.44 PM
Screenshot 2021-09-22 5.34.48 PM

So where was that mysterious red orb from again? :thinking::camera_flash:

it is from fishishing’


In what game

woral of amagbic

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Yes yes, continue

um it is like./…1/10000000000000000000000003 chance.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm

it’s flare magic

Or is it a red gem?

Actually since you uploaded the video i’ll take your word for it

im kidding, it’s a golden pearl

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Good enough

Continue, have you found a use for it to make it worthy to trade

uM it can make the sky go like boom boom and red

Um okay yeah