Trading (Not taking Galleons)

Trading (Not taking Galleons)
convenience 3.0 1 fairness 4.0 1 trustworthiness 5.0 1

Trading :

  • Argos top and bottom (Hard)

  • Full Sorcerer sets

  • 2 Scimitars of Storm

  • Calvus cape and crown (Strong)

  • Triasta of Bronze

  • Vindicator

  • 3 Argos Cape .

  • Elius top and bottom armor (4 sets)

  • 4 Elius cape

  • All kinds of Amulets (No power)

  • Lots of scrolls : 4 pulsar scrolls , 2 bursting , 1 Lucky , 2 Amplified , 2 Magnetic , 3 Luring and 2 Sturdy .

  • Alot of Seasonals , looking for more birds or sunken .

i have seven strong scrolls (im not very good at making offers)

Not sure but would the crown be worth cernyx leggings, top and amulet and elius top?

Still looking for a crown?


I can trade you a clean one for that offer minus the elius top/chest (since mine is clean and his is strong)


Your user is AltInaTophat right?

Its actually on my main this time

Which is DudeInATophat

Are you in game rn? Ill join you

Somehow the ingame messaging system bugged for me
But dw about it, its fine