Trading Powerful Sunken Chest for no enchant sunken sword

As title says, I’ll be on WoM for a bit. user is Xevenant, there is a warp feature on the world of magic menu screen, just click on a file and press warp and type in Xevenant

I hate to break it to u but ur not getting any clean sunkens by offering that-

Powerful sunken is considered dirty and if u have a dirty piece u cant even trade for a clean sunken armour piece let alone a clean sunken sword that is usually worth a full set or 2 of clean sunken armour usually

If I had a clean sunken sword I’d consider this trade. Only have a swift though

can you delete your messages you are just so wrong LOL


Powerful is considered a good enchant actually, since it makes sunken armor viable. In fact, the powerful enchant is more valuable than the bursting for sunken items.

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bursting is used mainly for max magic size builds
but this build also works for max magic size, so…
magic size (1)

You must have mistaken powerful as strong. Powerful is the 2nd best enchant for sunken gear when it comes to value. Some traders even value it higher than hard sunken gear.

Just 1 set is about fair and if not then youd only need to add a bad enchant sunken to make it fair for a clean ss

Anyways this trade is completely fair :man_shrugging:

tf no it isn’t? most people value powerful sunkens more than bursting even

powerful sunken armor is the second most valuable enchant on sunken armor, imo better than hard
you have no clue what you’re talking about

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(it’s a W for the sunken sword giver)


yes. but would I want a shot at strong or a powerful sunken chest?

Strong is just slightly worse clean that will become clean next month while powerful is the second best enchant

And swift is slightly more valuable than clean on an ss for most people here but it varies from person to person

no I’m talking about a strong sunken sword. If I had a clean one I could have a chance for strong.

you could but it’s still a pretty bad idea to enchant it

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