Hard Sunken Helmet
Clean Sunken Chestplate
Hard King Chestplate
Clean King Chestplate
2x Clean Commodore Kai Saber
What’d u want for one of the commodore kai sabres
for your sunken chestplate? so?
any of this for headless head
(One maxed set of king calvus armor + king calvus crown + king calvus chest + hard scroll + 2 halloween limited)
what about sunken chest
eh nty
Powerful Carina Pauldrons, Powerful Cerynx Chest and Hard Cerynx Faulds for the king chestplate?
how much power does the chest give
2 sunken swords, 2 sunken helmets, 3 sunken boots, and 25 seasonals for headless?
got any hard/strong scrolls ill those for the king chestplate
no thanks
bruh i literally just used my hard scroll
I can try and trade for one
got a strong? id prefer a strong since i need one for my kai saber
alright cool hmu if you change your mind btw I got another seasonal pumpkin head purple
I got the hard scroll
ok join PowerfulDirtBlock in like 1 minute
Nice! Okay.