Looking for other Boss Drops.
is there literally any specific drops youre looking for?
im eyeing that strong oath
Preferably Exiled Drops.
fuck offering. you want exiled drops? pick out some items from my store and reply to me here with some stuff you will take. im fine with overpaying, obviously
I’ll give you 2 sets of exiled armour for that strong oath
ill offer two clean sets and another clean chest
I’ll ofer 2 clean exiled sets and a heavy WoJ
Misinput do not offer more I could really do with that strong oath more than you
that wont stop a trader from offering lol
Both of you relax, I have 2 Strong Oaths so I’ll just do both of them.
Wait if I offered 2 sets of clean exiled armour, a heavy WoJ and a clean oath could I get both strong Oathkeepers?
I mean, you offered 2 Clean sets and a Heavy WoJ for one of them…
tbh not interested now
fun while it lasted
Alright, wasn’t really waiting on that trade ngl.
that was actually a really good offer chap.
I’m aware, though I don’t really play often, so yeah.
you still got the heavy WOJ? I would like a 2nd so i can switch
Yeah, I still got it.
il pass for now actually ill be back when i get another drop