Trading sunken chest plate + heavy woj for sunken sword

im trading my sunken chest plate + heavy woj for a sunken sword

is your sunken chest clean? if so that isnt worth a swift/clean/strong sunken sword unfortunately

sadly is it keen are u intrested

oof keen isnt that great and so im not interested sorry
you should try this trade in game where people are more likely to take it. You can get away with great ripoffs like clean oath for a clean sunken sword in game while here on the forums people usually know what is worth what roughly.

this trade would be terrible if the scp was clean, but its keen so its at a minimum 100x worse

shitass trade
Heres a tip:


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Ngl it’s only funi when drama says it :skull:
Other ppl saying it makes em look like assholes (imo)



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