x1 Sunken Boots
x2 Rose Gold Arcspheres
x1 Magma Arcsphere
x1 Fallen King Chest and Crown
x2 Fair Power Amulets
x2 Fair Defense Amulet
x1 Hard Scroll
x2 Sturdy Scrolls
x3 Lucky Scrolls
x1 Magnetic Scroll
x2 Bursting Scrolls
x2 Pulsar Scrolls
x3 Axe Slash Scrolls
x1 Strong Scroll
x1 Luring Scroll
x1 Swift Scroll
x1 Poison Tooth Dagger
x1 Commodore Kai Saber
x1 Trista of Bronze
x1 Lion’s Halberd
x1 Stormcaller
x1 Cernyx Boots
x1 Archon Quartz Amulet
DM Sammool#9130 for offers
Below - Rose Gold Arcsphere and Magma Arcsphere