Trading Sunken Iron Boots L50

Looking for other pieces in the set (sword, helm, chestplate). Hit me up if interested and we can work something out. IGN Luvilily


Well since its only the boots will you taken anything besides other peices?

No, sorry. Depending on what you’re after I can offer more than just the boots for other pieces, but that’s all I’m accepting.

what ya looking for?

It’s unlikely you will get better pieces for boots if there is anything else that interest you, let me know because I have tonnes of stuff.

Whatever ya got, I’ll take any of the other 3

would ya trade for a helmet? i can add more stuff if needed

Sure, upload a picture of it here?

sunken helmet l60
i can add crowns

I added you on Roblox, join me and we can do a trade


its better then the boots alredy lol in stats.-.

I’ll add crowns if you want

gimme 69 crowns (o>o)

or 420 .- . 420 works too

Nice I’ll join you since your follows are open

joseph? calding …

nvm cherry silver
i see…

Ebic, thx for trade peace out

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