Blasted Arcsphere
Atlantean Essence
Armored Scroll
2 Hasty Scrolls
Ardent Siren Bow
Warship Archaic Hull
Brisk Archaic Sailcloth
Price Comparison according to Galleon should be 125000 to 116500
(Can I also request to cross-trade these items to my new save? I can give the staff first if you are hesitant.)
Discord: divynis
don’t give the staff first unless they’re a trusted trader
i’m just missing the blasted arcsphere i believe, i’m supposed to be getting a few within the next few days in case you could wait til then
It’s fine, I can wait a few days
Very specific for price for just a weapon,can’t people just use pulsar?
January 10, 2024, 7:18pm
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