Trading sunken Staff

Yippe mine survived the wipe 2 :slight_smile: yall can offer mainly looking for seasonals!

seasonals for sunkens is a delusional request

idk apparently there was a wipe or sum

it is not delusional in the slightest

ty for saving me so much man :slight_smile:

easter helm for sunken staff

seasonals will only increase in value, and while the permanent luck 3 until april 2nd is ongoing, sunkens are far easier to obtain

tell me you dont do any trading without telling me. You guys always say the exact same stuff :sob:

your trading view is a trading view that literally only looks at the far future. Sunkens are very much in demand rn and due to the sunken weapon wipe there are currently WAY less sunken staffs and swords than halloween seasonals or any seasonal for that matter. Perma luck 3 for a week isnt gonna change much since luck 3 makes sunkens a 1/1200 instead of 1/2k, which isnt that big of a diff

brother a 1/1200 is massive, thats like 1-hour of fishing (800 catches) being saved on average

infact no, 800 catches is more than an hour?

800 catches in an hour? youre wild for that. At most you can get 3 catches per minute which is 3 x 60 = 180 catches per hour

and i dont think that many people (out of the 15k that are currently playing) will actually dedicate themselves to fishing during this week

yeah i above admitted i was wrong, try read a bit
and this just proves my point lmao?

how does that prove your point? 180 catches per hour isnt much. Rate wise it would take about 6.67 hours to get a single sunken and that sunken is not guaranteed to be a weapon either. Youre proving absolutely nothing

In all fairness I am going to admit you’re right I am underestimating the rareness of sunkens, however that still does not change the fact that during the span of the Luck 3, sunkens will still become more abundant (not to forget that the wipe only affected online players, sunkens still exist on other files)

i do agree with sunkens becoming more abundant but what the word “more” actually means in this case is prolly at most 1k new sswords and sstaffs being fished up (keep in mind that this perma luck 3 only lasts for a week, in which people likely will do other stuff than fish). Compare that to the amount of seasonals and there will still be way less sunken weapons than seasonals. The people who were safe from the wipe likely didnt have that many sunken weapons either since most dedicated players played ao right when the update released.

Either way even if there were more sunken weapons than seasonals that still wouldnt make a sunken for seasonal(s) trade delusional. Long term value is afterall not the only thing a trader looks at. Furthermore there are people who simply dont care about seasonals and would gladly trade them for items that do have actual uses besides vanity

My brother in arms. sunken can be obtained from fishing,lost cargo and underwater chests. fishing isnt the only way bruh

in case you try to say its fake

why would i say that its fake. Ik you can get it through other ways but we both also know that most people will try to fish for them since the rates for fishing are better. Diving is simply not as consistent as fishing too. Furthermore, for diving you need a good diving set which not a lot of people have. Even when factoring in luck 3, the rates for underwater chests and cargo is at 1/1800 compared to fishing’s 1/1200.

oh and i forgot to mention fishing pity which is another reason why people like to fish for sunkens instead of diving for them

edit: on top of all that i forgot to mention that for luck parties (if those are ever gonna be held again, but likely so) only a few people that are participating in the party can go diving because theres a finite amount of diving chests at a given time and they take 20 (?) minutes to respawn so diving with a party isnt a good option at all

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I see i thought it was the same rates for all