Trading Sunken sword for headless

Daily reminder headless = strong Ss


headless users when they try to inflated their useless bad looking limited item

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Non trader moment

what if seasonals were just untradeable :scream:

ive been in various trading communities in other games and they do trading 100x better than wom
headless shouldnt ever be worth more than a lost spell scroll. trading MULTIPLE sunkens (not even 2-3, you want MORE than that) for one which there is already a decent amount out there is a bit too much no?

Headless coin to the fuckin moon

fun trading community

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Honestly the demand for the headless is crazy so it being worth a lost spell/magic doesnā€™t seem that far fetched to me, but ancient magics however ehh maybe not so much.
You never know tho :eye:

bro someones gonna inflate headless to an ancient magic scroll and its gonna be hell

Fucking imagine lmao. But I really doubt a single headless would be worth an ancient magic/fighting style in the future would prob have to trade several or it just wouldnā€™t be near itā€™s value but thereā€™s really no reliable way to see itā€™s value in the future with the huge amounts of uncertainty and such, personally tho donā€™t think people would trade away such powerful stuff for a cosmetic :moyai:


Iā€™ve also been in various other trading communities in which I have understood the value system and succeeded within the trading aspect of the game. I do understand that woms trading is dogshit, hence why I donā€™t agree with most of the values, HOWEVER, using the value currently, headless is equal to strong SS. Iā€™m really not gonna list ALL the reasons why

yea strong ss for headless is fine
but more than that is cringe

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No, because we are thinking ahead, WE know how valuable headless is going to be SIMPLY because of it being unobtainable.

Iā€™mma be real wit you, youā€™re the only person who wanted a full clean sunken set + sss or whatever overpay you wanted i forgor :skull:
Also values donā€™t change till update sooooooooooo (at the very least they change with TIME)

ā€œWeā€ is a bit misleading
Itā€™s generally accepted that headlesses are valuable, but most others donā€™t try to ask for more than a sss like you do

Everyone knows headless = sss other than you LOL.

You just said ā€œvalues donā€™t changeā€ then said ā€œthey change with timeā€ headless is an unobtainable item, obviously itā€™s value is going to increase with time, everyone knows that, so idk why your thinking headless isnā€™t = to strong Ss when itā€™s been unobtainable for 7? Correct if wrong) months now.

Would not say itā€™s equal just yet, but at least Iā€™m not asking for a full sunken set with a sss :skull:

till the update

at the very least

Very close but I wouldnā€™t say equal just yet, but youā€™d have to offer a sss for one at least yes

bruh can we have 1 trade post without this shit starting :fr: