Trading Sunken sword for headless

I can add more items.
Pibe Chorro#4657 is my user.



hot take: every item in wom rn isnt worth a headless head because of that reason


This can be applied to the sunken armour only and not so much the sunken sword, and the level cap might just be 100 which is a lil bit disappointing but if it is sunken stuff will only lose a little if any value, a very bad trade but not cuz of that cuz it’s underpay.

Realistically no, I mean I don’t think people would want a headless over an ancient magic/fighting style scroll or even legendary weapons or arcanium weapons (idk how rare they’ll be so this might not be true) at any point of time, but you never know I guess

  • that sunken sword better be strong. if it isn’t, wish your chances goodbye
  • add more clean / good enchant sunkens. headless has increased in value recently, so you cant just give a strong ss anymore

Its not a horrible trade like youre making it out to be but its not a good trade either

false, that will only be the case if better gear gets added which is likely for the sunken armour set but pretty unlikely for the sunken sword. I dont see vetex adding 3 weapons that all outclass it that soon

hey i got headless+some exclusives

dont do this trade man

alright, so i should wait for the value to skyrocket?

I guess? There’s much more complexity and benefits and risks and a whole bunch of stuff when trading it that I simply won’t get into since I can’t really be bothered.

It’s pretty big underpay assuming it’s clean. Most ppl on the forums are wanting at least a strong SS for their headless.

how, elaborate on how anything that i said is incorrect

As I said there’s a whole bunch of benefits and cons to it that I just won’t get into since it’s a bit complex kinda and there’s definitely a lot of uncertainty with trading and such.

But from a standpoint that you aren’t really a trader and only have 1 headless I can see what you’re saying.

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the statement that headless value will only keep rising? thats one of the major reasons why headless has so much value rn but that doesnt mean a single headless is worth 10 sunken swords + 10 hard sunken sets lmfao

im exxagerating so you get the point. The offer isnt horrible but its not a good trade either for someone with a headless

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Wdym “right”? I just said I can see where you’re coming from I don’t fully agree with what you’re saying.
In a GIGANTIC nutshell trading your headless can get you profit in cases, more scam potential, more interest in the items you gains, even some future investments.
But there’s risks to this and such. Hence why I don’t really see the idea of absolutely never trading a headless as kinda ehhhh. (really just depends on the circumstances, but mostly trading can get you more profit if done right)

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uhhhhhhhhhh ok…

ye if you know what youre doing then trading that headless could get you 2 headlesses
theres been a few examples of that but i cant remember the exact details anymore

ive done it myself too :man_shrugging:

edit: oh ye i remember an example now, i traded a headless for a clean ss + clean sunken set and then traded the clean ss for a headless and the clean sunken set for a headless so 2 headlesses for 1 in the end

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I did something kinda similar where I traded a headless which I managed to trade for earlier, and I got 2 ss’s (and a sunken helm, and one sword was hard one was clean) mainly so that it’s more potential in the items. And pretty much managed to get another headless instead for dirt cheap.

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He’s a trader, you’ve done nothing. I’m pretty sure he knows alot more then you do about this subject

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Value won’t skyrocket till ao. and even then it’s not 100% sure.