[Treachery of the dark sea] The Living Rot

Remains of ships still floating on the surface of the black waters are not an uncommon discovery, those are treacherous regions of the world that eat at both body and mind…
A finding that is much more esoteric and rare is the sight of a vessel covered in dead fungus, rotten inside out and giving the repulsive smell of the dead

The only thing known about what could have caused such an incident is from stories written in diaries of men who believed to be survivors until they became ground for the mycelium covering them on that very ship

They tell stories of an island isolated even within the dark seas, lands where neither storms nor beasts dare approach and where only a strong sunshine with white glorious clouds reside in the sky, a place that was believed a safe haven, described to be lush with vegetations and where even the surrounding water is clear as crystal
then they express the hideous smell of the forest, the ground that always felt too soft yet, the trees that never truly swayed in the direction of wind like some creature trying to mimic it…
some talk of how the fruits tasted horrible, how even their texture felt like chewing on chalky sponges…

By the time they realise that everything is wrong, that all their eyes could see was no heaven but a machination of the treacherous seas they thought they had escaped even if for a moment, it is too late as disease strikes the men, violent fits of cough followed by painful itches and a dreadful feeling described like worms under your skin biting through your bones by certain notes found

Those that stay too long die as fungal lifeforms burst through their skin like blooming flowers, there is no saving them at that point and for some it is best to leave them be and gain distance, unfortunately for them even such measures will prove useless as we had seen…

There isnt much known about this island that’s written about as there have been no cases in which a survivor has been met, thus it is treated as a tale to make explorers and the like more wary of false lights like those.

Oh, thank you.