Treasure Charting Guide & Help [V1.14.8]

Gonna update this for the latest release soon! But…

As of version 1.14.3, treasure charts are bugged and anything above common cannot be completed, as they do not update
Common charts do not disappear from the inventory upon completion, and uncommon+ charts sadly never get updated to have the next piece of the chart.

Common charts also appear to not give xp as of V1.14, but I’m guessing it is also a bug.

This thread is officially updated!

I have decided against adding sea charts, as they are simple and different enough from treasure charting that I see no reason to. The only advice I can offer for those doing sea charts and struggling, is to invest in pistols/muskets to handle sharks, and use waterbreathing potions [seaweed + catalyst in a cauldron]

Enchantments section has been updated!

Oh man this is so useful, I do hope something like this gets made for the new sea cause sameria is annoying to dig through

it already has the nimbus sea islands added, they’re a little inaccurate though

Wait how do I access that part of it, I don’t see that at all on the site

just keep scrolling through the islands, they’re added

oh my bad, I thought it was the one that directly showed the locations with a interactable map. not that finder

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Need help with this map, could really use help