Treasure spots on frequently trafficked islands you feel stupid for not finding earlier

Here’s my first example, Djinn Island, there’s a nice little cave with 3-4 chests in it underneath the campsite


To be fair this is easy to miss

Frostmill, go inside the mines through the quest entrance, in the first room on the left there’s a mine tunnel blocked off by ice, there’s treasure behind it.

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Also Frostmill, in the Ice Smuggler labyrinth. There’s a dead end corner with an Ice Smuggler standing there. If you look up and T-jump, you’ll find a small room with 4 chests.


There’s a nice spot in the Northern Jaws when you’re doing the beginner bandit beating quest

breakable wall to the right of the camp

On Harvest Island, there’s a waterfall facing the whirlpool. Some people might know that there are a few chests in the opening where the Waterfall flows from, but less people probably know that there’s a secret room at the very bottom of the waterfall, right next to the whirlpool, at sea level.

There’s a few Explosive Barrels in there that I’m like 90% sure are impossible to get out of that cave. What are you gonna do, sail a ship through both whirlpools?

There’s a few Explosive Barrels in there that I’m like 90% sure are impossible to get out of that cave. What are you gonna do, sail a ship through both whirlpools?

You can swim them out, stay under the water and hug the walls.

Both Thorin’s Refuge and The Myriad have random breakable walls with chests behind them.
I didn’t get Bronze Sea Explorer without being able to find treasure. Sameria is the only one that I needed help with because the secret is dumb.


dang i didnt know that about thorins refuge thx

@WarmWater flex ur ao world exploring knowledge :muscle:

storage room next to argos boss room fight

there’s a super easy to miss secret cave at harvest on the right side edge of the island, there’s a breakable wall, inside the cave there’s a few chests