Trying to draw

i dont know how to draw but ive been trying fr :sob:
idk if this is allowed cause ion have an artist role but its wtv


how do you think people get the artist role lol.

magical powers fr

you hit the nail right in the head there

another drawing of her except i forgot the way i drew her hair

and i can’t draw hands
also changed up her design a bit; gave her shorter sleeves to maybe make it look like she has muscles or smth, idk i cant draw them either

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I can barely see her, those lines so thin

looking hands

actually thanks for saying that i did like fatter lines or wtv and i can see the colors better now

I’m going to assume you didn’t paint her pants, rather than that she’s not wearing any.

i didnt paint them :sob:

thats nasty

I can’t help the fact that I’m observant.

wesree is better than me at drawing

bro is literally me but better

little thing
not very good


I’m sorry I had to


i see progress :+1:

followed some chibi drawing tutorial but didn’t turn out how i wanted it :sweat:

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chat… thoughts? i know the hair is a little weird sorry


The hair looks pretty good to me. Nose needs a bit of repositioning though.


super lit!!

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