Trying to explain the AU's power system(s)

Honestly, Merlin’s entire existence just feels pointless

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Most history is pointless in video games, they’re there to add flavor to the worlds we play in.

Its magic dont ask

Okay, i just quickly looked tbrough lore doc…


i swear i remember that after fall of Olympus magic got forgotten, but then resurfaced…Its not there anymore :sob:

How does a man turn into Death?
How does a man turn into Gravity?
How does a man turn into Shatter?

Im the one that first shared all this info about merlin and neither tech nor vetex said he invented magic circles im pretty sure

honestly, your entire existence just feels pointless

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I know you gave Vetex money and therefor think you’re obligated to defend every action he does, but this just feels unnecessary

no, you just complain constantly and i almost pity how miserable your life must be to see only the negatives of everything

besides, im not the only person who gets annoyed by your constant complaining

Actually my life’s pretty good, consistently getting As on my schoolwork, have a decently sized friend group, still haven’t gotten back on my workout routine yet but I can fix that

assuming your american As arent exactly difficult to accomplish but good job

This doesn’t mean you don’t possess very pessimistic qualities, as @Ellis2k06 intended to point out to you.

Having the forementioned shouldn’t be a complete indicator of someone’s happiness, your life is more than that small list and dissatisfaction is indefinitely present in some aspect.

I’m well aware that @Ellis2k06 did point out that your life must be rather miserable, but the fact that you feel the need to justify it shows to me that you’re rather insecure about how other people view your quality of life. You had no need to prove that your life isn’t miserable, yet you pride yourself on showing elsewise, if you’re so content with yourself and your own happiness you’d surely be able to grasp that there’s no need to flaunt it?

To which I inquire, why do you think Merlin’s existense feels pointless?

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Could you say the Con of Magic energy is that there’s more limits but the Pro is less dangerous as overuse will only tire you out while the Pro of Spirit energy it has less limit but the Con is that overuse of can kill you

Seeing as AO MC is most likely a Legacy could that mean we could use rites without spirit weapons maybe like a vanity option to hide your spirit weapons


I’m fairly certain Poseidon says something about us being the strongest Legacy he’s seen in years, so I don’t see why not

Really? we’re the strongest legacy I would’ve assumed there’d be a legacy stronger than us

strongest will of all legacies

What would “strongest will” mean? like we have strong willpower?

I’m guessing it means we have the potential to become the strongest legacy.

maybe idk

i had a theory that “will” was as in a will you leave after you die, aka we have the greatest potential to carry out what the gods intended for their legacies.