Typ0 horror game thread and stuff

something we gotta work on later man

what other classes might make good lore like phantoms

beast class is pretty close to phantom class in their emotions

I mean I have a bit of lore for spotlight or something where basically these eyes (which mind you have a propeller which keeps them up in the air and makes noise conveniently) are created from some entity I’m gonna call Belladonna, some sort of humanoid thing that shapes them through some magic.

It can see through the eyes and can therefore always be alerted, but the entity itself seems to be more into doing a little bit of trolling than actually murder you

based entity

lmao possible new entity type?

Why do you think it just spams the watchers that entangle you when it spots you

Just the entity thing that sets the watchers from earlier but I came up with a name

Maybe the watchers spawn in in their own when out of sight of players, but belladonna is some boss monster that actively makes them? I’d imagine it being in some sorta temple place, definitely not because of Temple Of The Ocean King is where Phantom Eyes exist

belladonna sounds pretty interesting

makes it’s own detector entities without actually being one (presumably a lurker class)

I mean it doesn’t kill and it’s primary thing when it does spot you is just spam the detector class things to slow you down and bring nearby shit to you, since the watchers entangle you while ringing

that sounds hard to deal with}

like kinda OP

I think for most entities their lore can be split up by different interpretations from characters and that it would be up to the player to piece together the story.

For example, phantom class entities get a description from Wilbur that states their name and death while the paranoid sheriff or young journalist can talk about the story or myth surrounding the entity.

Or lurker class entities get a description from the paranoid sheriff and from a scientist who has studied the entity.

This can also be extended to things such as criminal records for slasher entities or for test reports for entities which were experiments.

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ooh wow this is epico

Also do you think interacting with other NPCs in the hub world could give you things? Perhaps the priest NPC can give you a crucifix when you get to the level needed for it, or maybe the journalist can give you the entity journal at the start of the game.

how about like as a small story thing each NPC has a questline that revolves around you beating and studying the class they specialize in.

and these quests gradually get harder but basically it encourages players to keep playing as well as grants better rewards the more you progress with the questlines

and at the very end you get like a special nametag and symbol next to your name, that you can swap out if you have completed other monster questlines.

like for example:

“the private eye” complete detector class-line

“the medium” complete phantom class-line

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“the stalker” lurker

“the magician” trick

“the cybertracker” digital

“the survivor” slasher

“the blessed” demon

“the hunter” beast

“the silly goober” easter egg

“the admin” any admin player

“the one and only” me

Beast is on here twice man

oh lol lemme fix that

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also yeah these quests give items to use ingame

as well as access to more powerful perks like enforcer…

maybe some other titles could be:

“Master Myth Seeker” - Fill out every entity page in the entity journal

“Master Myth Buster” - Complete the story mode. (maybe change this)

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