Ultimate Magic PVP Tier List

Here’s my tier list, tell me if you disagree with anything.

no cum



Shouldn’t Ash be A tier and Poison be B tier? Wood should be D tier and Snow B tier (status clears).

changed my whole reply because the tier list got destroyed in an edit

wtf is this new one

Shadow should be B imo, wood to D

Inaccurate according to the current meta. Shadow, Water, and Wind are supposed ‘Gamings’ while Magma, Acid, and Iron are “Significantly Cringer”

Wtf is this?

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shadow is not D tier (needs to be higher), water is no longer c tier (needs to be higher), wood is not b tier (needs to be lower), poison is not f tier (needs to be higher), plasma will most likely be b tier, sand is b tier (needs to be a little higher). But everything else is perfect imo, good work :+1:

10/10 tier lsit

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shadow S

Plasma C tier man that thing is just a worse Fire

Poison should honestly be higher in my opinion, it works well with heat-based magics, not to mention the funni DoT

this is really inaccurate, I’ll be honest.

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