Ultimatum Part 17

me and the boys off to commit several war crimes in Stoneburg


war crimes :sunglasses:

whats geneva convention

Bruh +100 IQ split up when there’s a group of enemies after you.

I told you, splitting up was a bad idea, Arty is clearly not a strategist.

This man do be starting a war against two random noobs.

In terms of criticism:
image image
Robot try to avoid using numbers in writing unless it’s like a signpost or something. It breaks the flow and looks out of place.
This makes no sense.
Kinda bad form to do this when there’s no way he would actually know subconsciously what to do. I mean you were kinda building up arty having a plan and now arsen just be like “telepathy time”. If you weren’t building that up, you could’ve pulled through by simply not mentioning how arsen knew what to do, leaving the reader to assume he decided to do that on the spur of the moment, but you were basically like “arty has an idea” for some time before this.

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ae thanks, will try and remember that for later



war never changes

https://youtu.be/FoE6pjcdyRA oh fuck one more thing

the entire idea of this part was literally based off of this vid

Horror Movie Logic smh

i dont watch horror movies dont @ me

Why do you hate me ;(

arty anime running

me running from the communists after committing several war crimes in russia

No such thing as war crimes in russia.

Have more vodka comrade.

Ngl I was kinda tempted to say “genre blindness” but it ain’t horror so I had to settle for an IQ comment