Uncopylock Arcane Adventures?

Is Vetex willing to uncopylock Arcane Adventures? It’s fairly old by now, and very much broken due to FE. A good majority of the assets are outdated as well, so there isn’t much reason to keep it locked. (I’m also pretty sure due to AA not being FE’d, there exists rips of the full game out there)

Personally, I just want to look at the assets and use them in a fan-project I’m working on, without using a cracked copy of the game (which kinda feels icky). I’d also love to work on a restoration version of Arcane Adventures, mostly because I loved AA but also because a lot of players (including myself) have a distaste towards the direction Arcane Reborn took with the game.

But that’s just my two cents :smile:


he doesnt want people to steal his assets in the first place, same reason the island builder kit was removed

but imma guess hes gonna reply in a week just to prove me wrong

That may have been true for the first few years after FE, but nowadays there are so many games that have since surpassed Arcane Adventure’s art-style (Arcane Odyssey itself being a great example of this).

Realistically, the only usecase for AA’s assets now is for fan-projects and recreations of AA, which is more of a net positive for the community I’d say.

:x: we dont need more arcane reborns


ar was peak before v1.1 but the new textures + lack of the stuff they promised sucked the game

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:face_holding_back_tears: creating ambitious ideas that wont be made in reality

hell yeah im in

Surely the 48th restoration/remake of AA won’t flop

restoration, not remake
theyre just updating the assets, thats it
or at least, if they want to give it the OG vibe, keep the assets but update them just enough for them to not break and fix the bugs/problems

Reborn too much times :skull:

Making remakes isn’t exclusively the only thing you could do with the game. Stuff like animations, art, smaller fan-games, stuff like that.

Honestly? I really only care because I’d love to use the character models in AA (such as Theos, Averill, Trigno, etc) instead of using placeholder models for this animation I’m making.